Dr. Elrefai

Recently, Dr. Elrefai, Thaer moved from Ottawa, where he had a successful practice of his own to Mississauga to be close to his elderly parents.
He was one of the last students who would get scholarship due to him graduating from high school with honour. He arrived at 1989 Soviet Union which was dissolving with Perestroika and existed Russia after graduating in 1996 from one of its best medical schools: Rostov State Medical University. Dr. Elrefai, not only learned medicine with honour but examined a whole complex Russian culture in transition perfecting its Russian language. His life experience as whole was complex, as his entry point to this world was a refuge camp in Lebanon.
Living within many cultures and transitions, he developed a unique character as well a unique prospective on things. The transition through resiliency, learning, and perfectionism became an outstanding feature of his.
From Russia he immigrated to Canada where he did equivalency to his degree and retraining to become a board certified in Family medicine.
He enjoys working as a family physician. Abroad while practising family medicine, he trained family medicine residents and gave lectures in different related medical topics as an associate professor. He gained a Research Scholar degree from Harvard school of medicine in 2017.
He is a deep analytical thinker who enjoys writing and reading, not only medical topics but a wide diverse set of disciplines. He published two books and working on more. He is attracted to research, medical innovation, public health and prevention of disease, precision and functional medicine. Moreover, his main passion lies with helping others who went through trauma/s and its consequences: depression, PTSD, stress, anxiety and more… He does GP psychotherapy with a listening heart and mind. He took various related training courses in psychotherapy to sharpen his knowledge and counseling skills
